Early Career Faculty Program

New Faculty member sitting at round table and engaged in a discussion with other people at table.

What is the Early Career Faculty Program?

The Office of Faculty Affairs, Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB), Office of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (ORSCA), and Center for Effective Teaching and Learning (CETL) have curated a series of monthly workshops over the academic year to support early career faculty, tenure-track and lecturers in their first three years at Cal State LA. This program aims to enhance early career faculty success on teaching and learning, scholarship and research, and inclusive and equity-minded classrooms and workplace. The workshops will also help faculty build a sense of community, collegiality, and find potential collaborations.  


Who Should Participate?

This program is ideal for first-year faculty (tenure-track and lecturers) and faculty hired over the past three years. Upon completing the Early Career Faculty Program, a letter of completion from the Office of Faculty Affairs will be given to you so that you can include it in your Retention, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP) files (e.g., Personnel Information File-PIF). Faculty will also be invited to an optional regular writing group on campus in between the workshop dates. 

Program Objectives

Faculty who complete the program can:

  • Navigate their first years at Cal State LA effectively by learning strategies that will increase your confidence, productivity, and well-being as a faculty member. 
  • Connect with and build relationships with faculty and staff from various units across campus. 
  • Identify and adopt accessible and equity-minded strategies to support student success using active learning strategies and tools in the classroom.
  • Become familiar with the diverse campus community, the resources, and campus efforts that support diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging for themselves and for students. 
  • Select strategies to implement a scholarly agenda that impacts their field or discipline and prepares them for performance and periodic reviews. 

Programs and Events

The program consists of monthly, 1.5 to 2-hour sessions.

Faculty (tenure-track and lecturers) in their first three years at Cal State LA may register for any session, but faculty must attend at least six sessions in one academic year for a certificate in their RTP file.  

All workshops are in person in the Library Conference Room (LIB B131). Enter through the main entrance of Library North. Take the stairs immediately to your left, or take the elevators, to the Basement level, and follow the signs to the Community Room (LIB B131). 






Planting Your Roots

Every Semester Needs a Plan: How to Align Your Time With Your Priorities

Friday, September 6, 2024

10 - 12 pm

Office of Faculty Affairs (OFA)

Teaching & Learning Strategies

Mindful Teaching & Learning 

Student-Centered Syllabus (please bring a copy of your syllabus to the event)

Friday, September 20, 2024

10 - 12 pm 

Center for Effective Teaching & Learning (CETL)

Communities of Belonging

Introduction to DEIB & OEDI(HRM) Offices

Friday, October 11, 2024

10 -11:30 am 

Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging (DEIB) & Office of Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (HRM)

Building A Scholar Portfolio

Developing a Successful Research Agenda 

Friday, November 15, 2024

10 - 12 pm 

Office of Research, Scholarship, & Creative Activities (ORSCA)

ACUE and New Faculty Cohort ShowcasePresentations from New Faculty Who Have Participated in the ACUE ProgramFriday, December 6, 20249:30 - 11 am 

Teaching & Learning Strategies

Active Learning Discussions: Techniques in the Classroom

Friday, January 31, 2025 

10 - 12 pm 


Building A Scholar Portfolio

Strategies for Winning External Grants and Getting Published

Friday, February 21, 2025

10 - 12 pm


Communities of Belonging

Workplace Culture and Climate

Friday, March 21, 2025

10 - 11:30 am


Planting Your Roots

Communities of Support: Cultivating Mentorship Pipelines

Friday, April 11, 2025

10 - 11:30 am


Silent, timed writing blocks with option to share progress at each session's end.

September - May (weekly) on Fridays, except on days of Early Career Faculty Program Workshops and holidays.



Location (Hybrid)

Friday, September 27, 20248:30 - 10 am

LIB B313 Community Room and on Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, October 4, 20248:30 - 10 am

LIB B313 Community Room and on Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, October 18, 20248:30 - 10 am

LIB B313 Community Room and on Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, October 25, 20248:30 - 10 am

LIB B313 Community Room and on Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, November 1, 20248:30 - 10 am

On Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, November 8, 20248:30 - 10 am

On Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, November 22, 20248:30 - 10 am

On Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, December 13, 20248:30 - 10 am

On Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, February 14, 20258:30 - 10 am

On Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, February 28, 20258:30 - 10 am

On Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, March 7, 20258:30 - 10 am

On Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, March 14, 20258:30 - 10 am

On Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, March 28, 20258:30 - 10 am

On Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, April 4, 20258:30 - 10 am

On Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, April 18, 20258:30 - 10 am

On Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, April 25, 20258:30 - 10 am

On Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, May 2, 20258:30 - 10 am

On Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

Friday, May 9, 20258:30 - 10 am

On Zoom:


Mtg ID: 876 2819 5819

In this section are programs presented on campus that may be counted towards the Faculty Early Career Program. A total of one of these programs may be applied.

Center for Effective Teaching and Learning (CETL)

More about CETL: CETL promotes teaching as an area of practice and scholarship for all faculty, in fulfillment of professional growth and the larger university mission. By growing a culture of teaching and teaching excellence, we improve the lives of a unique population of Cal State LA students. Please visit the website for information about resources, programs, certificates, and consultations. Contact Executive Director, Catherine (Cat) Haras, for more information about CETL programs.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)

More about DEIB: Cal State LA is committed to promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in our university community. This office is a gateway to resources, information, events, and programs related to DEIB on campus. Please see the faculty page on the website for specific resources for faculty and links to affinity groups on campus. Dr. Andre Ellis serves as the University’s Associate Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

The Office of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (ORSCA)

More about ORSCA: The Office of Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (ORSCA) provides guidance to the Cal State LA community on funding opportunities, grant proposal process, and research compliance, and supports faculty in their related scholarship and creative activities. Please visit the website for resources for research, IRB, awards, and events. Dr. Hengchun (Haley) Ye is the Associate Vice President for Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities.

National Faculty Center for Development and Diversity (NFCDD)

Cal State LA is an institutional member of the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity, or NCFDD. All faculty have access to their resources and Faculty Success Program. Additional programs are available at the expense of the faculty or using their start-up funds. Please log in through your Cal State L.A. email credentials. We highly recommend new faculty sign up for the free, on-line writing group and for Monday Motivator weekly emails for tips and insights.